what we do

what we do

Diversity, inclusion, and antiracism through education and consulting.

multiple ways to engage, one objective

Across platforms and media types, we offer many ways for you to learn about and engage with issues that directly impact your lived experience. While our educational content varies in scope, from blog posts to virtual classes and antiracism consulting, all learning is rooted in and taught from a social justice and antiracism framework.

how we educate

working toward a more just earth
environmental justice is social justice
tools for your team
antiracism consulting at each step
creating community stewards
antiracism fellowship program
content creation
blogs, classes, podcasts, resources
resisting gentrification
annual gentrification conference in Rochester
antiracism education
over 50 virtual classes annually

why is this work important

540 believes that knowledge is power, and better understanding of the social, historical, and environmental factors that have led us to the present are essential in creating sustainable change. While antiracism work requires more than just education alone, we know it is integral to dismantling white supremacy.

our current programs

virtual classes

the basics of antiracism theory & practice
View all classes

facilitation fellowship

learn how to facilitate antiracism dialogue
apply here

antiracisim consulting

giving your team tools to meet your short & long term goals
more information

gentrification conference

an annual conference designed to unpack & discuss gentrification

curated content

blog posts and free on-demand classes for critical thinking

environmental justice

environmental justice is social justice
coming soon